Keola Christian Fitness on Locals
Fitness & Health • Lifestyle • Spirituality/Belief
An intentional, life-giving community choosing to draw near to each other as we draw near to God. Support to see all content and be able to comment, as well as get exclusive workouts, wellness helps, devotionals, discounts, and to share your life on a platform that doesn't censor or sell what you post. This is a safe place to be you and grow in Jesus in every way!
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Steel Focus | Get Intentional Challenge

Do you find yourself easily distracted, even small things stealing your focus? How would you like to exchange that stolen focus for STEEL focus?

I can help! For over 12 years, I've been dealing with people (Christians!) who HATE getting quiet. Intense busyness and constant visual/mental stimulation are often a byproduct of this aversion. Those things can affect your attention. I've learned there is a pretty consistent reason for all of this... So, we're gonna tackle it! Together, in the month of June.

Whaaaat? The month when weather heats up (for us in the North of the globe), kids are on break, and best intentions often tank. That's right! If you can nail it in that environment, you are ready to walk in laser-like, Jesus focus when you need it most. This is your training ground.

Join this Get Intentional Challenge for FREE.

You must be a supporter of this Keola® Fit and Fiery Community to get this exclusive content. If you aren't already a supporter, I am waiving your first month fee just to get you into this challenge.

1. If you don't have one already, create a free account here with Locals. Your information is kept private. You are not tracked and targeted for advertisements or your personal identification sold as product. That is a primary purpose of Locals... to offer a different way to connect. It's a good reason to be here.

2. Join the Keola Fit and Fiery Community AND Support. Since you aren't sold, Locals has to make money somewhere to run this. Subscription based access is part of it. An uncensored, video enabled crowd funding option was also a goal and it is THE reason I started here. Support is $5 (or more, if you're led to gift extra) per month, but this month is waived for you. Use code: GETINTENTIONAL for no charge to your card during your first month. After that, you can cancel anytime, but I hope you love it and stay.

Challenge content starts Tuesday, June 1st. Invite your friends!

NOTE: Must support before June 5th to get the free trial. Afterall, it is about being intentional, so I can't have you slacking with entrance past the first week. 😊

I'm excited and I hope God blesses your socks off! Time to break out those flip-flops by faith! 🙌 if you're new and you want to learn more about me, Alli Becker, founder of Keola Christian Fitness.


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January 11, 2023
Want to Better Understand and Hear God's Voice?

This 30-Day Steel Focus Challenge starts today in the Keola Fit & Fiery Club and will help you sort through the more than 6,000 thoughts that cross your mind each day, so you can live more deeply in the freedom of God's Spirit! Here's the welcome activity, just to get you started. You can jump into the first 7 days of the challenge for FREE through the challenge freebie on the site or by starting a free trial of the Club.

I hope you join us!

Start your membership trial at:

I've got a new Basic Membership option now, too! Just to help ease the burden from all the other prices that are jumping in this economy. I don't want you to miss out on all the stress-busting and body-soul-spirit strengthening resources available in the Club! Find out more at that same above link.

Supporters make a comment and I'll give you a special gift with this trial. I'm so grateful for you!

April 19, 2022
You Are Chosen

Get the whole workout as a free download. It's an excellent core strengthener with a powerful message on beating fear and discouragement. Available until April 30th. 👇


November 16, 2021
FREE Resource: Just In Time For the Holidays!

Do you want to build FOCUS, INTIMACY WITH GOD, and GAIN CONFIDENCE in hearing His voice?

In working with Christians for over 12 years, I've learned that we all struggle with discerning the voice of God. That's normal. The struggle is real, but YOU CAN WIN!

It takes intention, risk, and vulnerability, but you can know His voice and gain confidence in following Him. This newest resource, week one of the 30 Day Steel Focus Challenge, is a great place to start. It is the foundational element of the Challenge and I want everyone to have access to it FOR FREE

By signing up, you'll receive daily email reminders for a short video (most are just 5 minutes) with a simple action step to implement what we talked about. Right now is an excellent time to break from busyness and set your focus on JESUS. Click the link to learn more and get started today!


March 20, 2024
Did You Know: 80% of People Will Likely Experience Back Pain in their Life

After 30 years, I always go back to these Pilates centric moves to feel and look my best.

These 3 help:
•Strengthen your core
•Lengthen + stretch/release your posterior chain to help prevent back pain or support relief
•Improve posture
•Remind you that 👉you are “immersed” in God’s grace + Spirit, 👉you are “enough” for Heaven’s best, and 👉you are “regal”, a king/queen in Jesus carrying authority + influence in your workplace + home life.

I recommend taking short movement breaks throughout your day. See these moves in workout #1 and this week’s highlighted workout #32 in my Free Weekly Workout resource.

Email me, if you’re looking for a body, mindset + faith boost. I have a few private virtual coaching spots available + I’d love to work with you. It’s never too early or too late!

Building faith + identity in Jesus with every move. This is the Keola® way. 🕊️

February 15, 2024
Today's Surprise Blessing

Also, be sure to check out the gratitude challenge in my stories. It's good for your heart, brain, and mental health. Add yours with me daily!

January 31, 2024
Breaking Up with Sugar This Year?

Some simple things to adjust to help cut off sugar cravings BEFORE they start. This is what we're talking about in the studio community. Which one resonates with you?

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